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Séjours à Niort Halles_NIORT_Alexandra_BODET

Niort and Parc naturel régional

Find an accommodation
18 and over
From 2 to 17 y.o.
Less than 2 y.o.
For more than one baby, please contact your booking agency.

Niort and its historic heritage

What to see in Niort ?

Séjour à Niort ©Coulon_PhilippeWall-Conseil_Departemental_Deux-sevres

What to do near Niort?

Our selection of accommodations

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Les Lys

in CHAURAY - Deux-Sèvres

2 bedrooms
5 people
From €370 per week
Reviews ( 4/5 )
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Gîte de La Chesnaye

in FRESSINES - Deux-Sèvres

3 bedrooms
5 people
From €380 per week
Reviews ( 4.5/5 )

Our new accommodations

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Gîte du Petit Quéray

in SAINT GELAIS - Deux-Sèvres

2 bedrooms
4 people
From €380 per week
Reviews ( 5/5 )
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Le grand Gîte du Château Sainte-Marie

in FORS - Deux-Sèvres

6 bedrooms
14 people
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La Muzardière

in Benet - Vendée

3 bedrooms
6 people
From €50 per night