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  3. Holiday rentals Morbihan /
  4. Rentals Guest house Ploemeur
18 and over
From 2 to 17 y.o.
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3 Results

Rentals guest house Ploemeur

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Online booking

Guest house

Les chambres d'hôtes Bella Laïta

in CLOHARS CARNOET - Finistère

2 bedrooms
4 people
From €1 per night
5 reviews
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Online booking

Guest house


in MOELAN-SUR-MER - Finistère

2 bedrooms
5 people
From €50 per night
41 reviews
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Online booking

Guest house

Le Bois Miroir

in CLOHARS CARNOET - Finistère

2 bedrooms
5 people
From €65 per night
42 reviews